
Node js


Node.js has seen a lot of friction since it was first released and is now the backend language that most global tech magnets including Paypal, Uber, and Netflix. Node.js, an open-source Javascript network that can be used to build both web applications and native apps. Therefore, Node.js enables front-end developers to execute code on the server-side which results in faster development cycles and makes Node.js a fast and scalable way to write scripts.

Here are some major points that have benefitted to Node.js’ growing popularity over the last ten years.


Node.js, being an open-source framework and a cross-platform Javascript runtime environment, has a large and expanding open-source community. The default package manager for Node.js is called NPM (Node Package Manager) and it is prominently used by more than 11 million javascript developers across the world. It includes well-balanced and documented modules. Github, Stack Overflow, and even Reddit have exceptional Node.js communities that help newcomers clear out issues and excel in figuring out complicated puzzles. Node.js has a peculiar advantage of being a familiar language and being a native descendent of javascript. The javascript community has evolved in time as it was emerged earlier.

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Time to market

On Google Play Store, 6140 applications were put out Last year. A huge impact will be made in such a tightly packed and competitive field if you manage to put yourself out there first. Let’s now elaborate the reasons whyNode.js has turned out to reduce development cycle. Firstly, Node.js uses the non-blocking I/O model which makes it very lightweight and efficient. NPM’ has plenty of libraries and they make building apps easier and putting in so much less effort. Node.js also has a number of Many templates in Node.js can be reused and this drastically reduces the size of application and the appearance of bugs

Lastly, javascript is the sole language that can be functioned in Node.js, both on the front end and the back end. Therefore, a web app framework made via Node.js conforms with the same codebase for both the client and the server. The effort to put in to learn Node.js is not that big, as most developers are already familiar with or knowledgeable with javascript. Also the data timing can be easily dealt with the language consistency of Node.js. All of this results in a much shorter time-to-market cycle. This is especially useful in a startup environment where resources are limited and one developer can multi-task.

Operating costs

When compared to systems that are created with Java, to power and to host, Node.js apps require computing to a much lesser degree.

We can further elucidate this by comparing the requisites of both to function. 32 instances of a Node.js application can be run with the same supply of one Java installation, i.e. 64GB RAM and 32 cores.

Generally, servers of Java purvey to a greater extend for compute resources in Cloud-based technology as there is seen a huge discrepancy in the usage of resources.

Cloud-based technology relatively conforms better with Node.js. They function together advantageously evolving a well-corresponded association between compute resources and servers. Java assignments need more developers than node. js applications. All the key points mentioned above constitute in bringing down the functional and maintenance costs.


The feasible costs and scant development cycles of Node. js is present as a result of being held up by an enhanced and copious scheme. Node.js is backed by a number of open-source instruments that are further backed by plenteous database of NPM. As per the statistics given out by, with over three hundred thousand packages that already exist and the 300+ new packages brought in on a daily basis, NPM surpasses all others by a mile. The programming in Node.js is made more quick and gratifying as the result of registry in NPM being imbued with such facile tools, libraries and solutions.

Modular design

Java used to be the much sought after backend language before 15 years when majority of applications were created in the form of massive and heavy structures. As per the suggestions made by experts, a modular, microservices-based architecture has better chances to have the best outcome. Node.js is peculiar for its extensive built that efficiently allow modular design. Node.js is endowed with the distinguishable functions that are performed by many top-notch modules. Each module can be distributed across applications and it boosts better association between them.

Real-time applications

The main notion behind real-time apps is that they have to work within the period of time that the is generally implied as quick or as the present by the potential users. Applications that implement this technology are mainly found in areas like gaming, VOIP, community storage and apps that are mainly used for the purpose of chatting. Developers are permitted to write javascript on both the client’s and the server’s end when using Node.js. As a result the transfer of date between the server and the client becomes smoother and the sync and performance of the entire process becomes stable and compatible. Real-time apps usually have to deal with a grand multitude of real-time users. To incorporate them all, these apps require a non-blocking and event-based server. Node.js makes a great solution for all these requirements.

Top Benefits of using Node.JS

  • Coding in JavaScript for both client and server-side
  • Speedy execution of codes in different languages
  • Heightened efficiency in app development
  • Quick real-time apps development
  • Lessen the gap between frontend and backend development
  • JS is a perfect solution for microservices in enterprises

What is Node.JS?

Node.JS is an open source and cross platform server ecosystem that runs JavaScript codes outside the web browser. Developers use JavaScript in Node.JS in order to write command line tools that run server-side scripts.

This, in turn, helps in the production of dynamic web page content before the page itself reaches the user’s web browser.

Nevertheless, the biggest gain of using of Node.JS is that it utilizes asynchronous programming. For both client-side scripts and server, web application development is performed under a single programming language.

It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and its server environment works on a non-blocking, data driven I/O model that delivers it efficient, lightweight and measurable.

Developers also make use of Node.JS to bring forth real-time web applications that help of push technology applied over WebSockets. This feature makes it valuable to the developers who build enterprise apps.

Node.JS is regarded as the most used platform in the category of “Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools” as per a Survey conducted in 2019

Reasons why Node.JS is perfect for Enterprise App Development

There are certain points regarding Node.JS which makes it an idea choice for business persons especially to build complex enterprise apps.

There is not a single reason why Node.js makes the best way, but it performs well and ad excellence in all other areas

  • Performance and Scalability of Node.JS
    It is in C++ that Node.JS is written and is based on Chrome’s V8 runtime. Putting it differently, Node.JS has been structured to function on many OS’s giving quickest outcomes.
    Furthermore, V8 and Node.JS are frequently and stably upgraded on a regular basis. This is one of the reasons why their functionings are much more efficient and modified. The frequent updates ascertain the completion of security packages
    Also, both Node.JS and V8 back the features of modern JavaScript. Nevertheless, now, leveraging JavaScript shows that data transmission of JSON on the web is fast.
    Node.JS can deal with plenty connections proficiently and simultaneously as its built is single-threaded and event driven.
    In the end, it puts away the limitations that come with web platforms that make additional threads for fresh requests. Thereby, it feeds on RAM in order to process the same.
    It uses a single thread and implements event loop and callbacks meant for I/O operations making task authorization fast.
    Moreover, Node.JS is scalable from the first execution itself. In addition it is fully furnished with features such as PM2 process manager and Cluster module. While the latter holds up load balancing over diverse CPU cores, the former modifies the monitoring, deploying, and optimizing of Node apps.
  • Cross-platform App Development
    Node.js also lets the structuring of cross-platform desktop apps using particular platforms. Codes from the web apps can be reused by a squad of developers on the desktop apps that are compatible with operating systems such as Linux, Windows and MacOS.
    Moreover, the same group can work on the web apps and even build desktop apps without necessarily having skills in Objective-C, C#, and other similar languages that are applicable for native app development.
    Having the license to work with Google Chrome Developer Tools and others Node.js lets them have the strength to debug in a better manner.
    As a matter of fact, the developer tools associated to Node.JS are cross-platform, i.e. they discard the requirement for developers to work with a Windows machine to build Windows apps or with a Mac machine to create MacOS apps.
  • Lack of learning Curve
    Node.JS is essentially established on JavaScript. And this casts aside the learning curve because of the comparative simplicity. Both are similar when it comes to their syntax and therefore the developers can become completely proficient or skilled in it.
    This is why Java and .NET developers cordially incorporate Node.JS.
    It is not a Himalayan task to grasp Node.js and develop scalable apps that work hand both hand in hand in windows and Unix systems
  • PHP is loose and an open-source platform
    PHP is an open-supply website development framework. It means that a combination of programming languages may be used along with this last programming language to create customized php websites for the customers in a totally quick span of time.
  • Node Package Manager
    The Node Package manager (NPM) has brought out an enterprise version with a vision to safeguard the privacy and security of big clients.
    It is very impactful in enabling programmers installing, utilizing, updating modules in Node.
    These modules are minor software packages that are open source. Developers relish the freedom of not having to write common features from scratch, thanks to NPM.
    Companies are enabled with easy recognition susceptibility to errors, automate the replacement of improper codes, and control code access.
  • Reusable APIs
    For a smart app development, Node.JS is one of the favorites of developers. And its reusable RESTful APIs is another feature that proclaim it as superior.
    In a nutshell, this is the best cause for Node.JS to be the best choice for enterprise app development.
    Now, they can be connected to the backend maintaining the elegance.
    In addition, large bulks of data can be addressed with such ease and can also avoid things ending up in a baffling situation. Finally, this supports the development of software at large scales.
  • Easy maintenance and updating
    To avoid muddling of apps and make it look more conceivable updates should be taken place on a regular basis. And this is something that both Google Chrome V8 and Node.JS practice responsibly.
    Maintaining the apps optimized helps to keep the bugs and errors at bay, eventually resulting a secure ecosystem.

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